We are made for relationships. It is not just a want. It is a need. We are social creatures and if that need is unmet – problems. For those raised in a supportive home or community and who appear within local norms, you will tend to fit in. But for those who lack any or all of those areas, you have a high probability of a struggle. That hurts incredibly.
When you are on the outside looking in, the world can be a bleak place. All cultures maintain a social standard and if you deviate too much from the group, the rejection can crush your soul. You do not fit in. At present, you are made to stand out. This may appear bad on the surface, but if you dig deep, there is a sliver or even a river of hidden awesome potential.
The person who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The person who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever seen before.
Albert Einstein
Instead of just a cookie cutter being like everyone else, your perspective molded by all of your good and bad experiences may be just what the world needs – a fresh idea, a new synthesis, a beautiful song, even the next great cheeseburger. I get teary eyed with gratitude for the individual who came up with the cheeseburger.
Be a loner. That gives you time to wonder, to search for the truth. Have holy curiosity. Make your life worth living.
Albert Einstein
I am not Einstein, but his advice was not to be him, it was to be you, but alone. The crowd has an opinion. Whether or not it is the truth is up to you to find out. Instead of just pleasing the status quo, you may be meant for so much more. It will not be easy as anything worth pursuing is a struggle.
Go out there and blaze a true trail so the masses may follow once they match a shred of your daring.